HSE University Hosts Fall into ML 2023 Conference on Machine Learning
Over three days, more than 300 conference participants attended workshops, seminars, sections and a poster session. During panel discussions, experts deliberated on the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and considered collaborative initiatives between academic institutions and industry to advance AI development through megaprojects.

Russian Researchers ‘Peek Inside’ Carbon Nanopores
Researchers from HSE MIEM, in collaboration with colleagues at the RAS Institute of Solution Chemistry, have modelled the behaviour of ionic liquids within charged carbon nanopores ranging in width from 1 to 15 nm and assessed the mobility of both their cations and anions. The scientists observed that an increase in anion size resulted in higher mobility, whereas cations exhibited the opposite trend of reduced mobility with an increase in size. A better understanding of ionic liquids will enhance their use in supercapacitor technology. The study has been published in Journal of Molecular Liquids and supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).

‘It Was Great to Look at Scientific Achievements through the Eyes of a Journalist, not a Scientist’
HSE University in Nizhny recently hosted the 2nd Autumn Neuro-linguistic School ‘NeuroSciCom: Popularising Language and Brain Studies’ for scientists and students at the HSE Centre for Language and Brain Studies in Nizhny Novgorod. The school was held as part of the 'Human Brain Resilience: Neurocognitive Technologies for Adaptation, Learning, Development and Rehabilitation in a Changing Environment' Strategic Project of the Priority 2030 programme.
Fashion for Strong Women: Emancifashion Exhibition Takes Place at HSE University
In early November, the Emancifashion exhibition, dedicated to the representation of women in art and fashion, took place at HSE University in Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky Pereulok. The event, organised by first-year students from the HSE Media Communications programme, featured works created by students from the Fashion Design programme of the HSE Art and Design School.

Enhancing Cooperation between the Countries: East China Normal University Delegation Visits HSE
The delegation of the East China Normal University has visited HSE University’s Moscow campus. The representatives of both academic institutions confirmed their mutual interest in developing cooperation. The East China Normal University was the first Chinese institution to cooperate with HSE University. This partnership has been developing for quite a while, with the first memorandum signed on June 30, 2011, followed by two agreements on student mobility.

Enhancing Wireless Network Performance Through Cross-Layer Protocol Stack Solutions
An international team, including researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Information Transmission Problems, HSE University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, analysed the approaches used to optimise the data transfer rates of TCP and QUIC protocols in high-frequency wireless networks. According to the scientists, cross-layer solutions provide the highest gains in data transfer rates. The paper has been published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, one of the most influential international journals in the field of telecommunications, boasting an impressive impact factor of 35.6.

‘A Power Plant Is a Special World, Like a State within a State’
Yulia Shulenina dreamed of working at archaeological digs in Egypt but ended up researching the industrial architecture of the avant-garde. In this interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, she spoke about her passion for academic singing, Soviet-era experimental housing at Voikovskaya, and the mystery of the GRES-3 power plant in the Moscow region.

HSE Design Lab Receives Diploma from Union of Moscow Architects
The HSE Design Lab was named one of the winners in the Best Interior Solution project category of the Union of Moscow Architects for its project to renovate the interiors of the HSE University building on Maly Tryokhsvyatitelsky Pereulok. The awards were presented at the BUILD SCHOOL exhibition in Moscow, which ended on November 2.

Card Index: 'Success and Self-Sustainability of the Individual in a Changing World'
To achieve success and well-being, a modern person needs to keep up with ongoing social, economic, technological and cultural changes. However, in order to adapt to these, you need to be competent, healthy and active, develop cognitive abilities, acquire new skills and maintain friendships. All of this can expand people’s capabilities, revealing their potential. The HSE's unique multidisciplinary strategic project 'Success and Self-Sustainability of the Individual in a Changing World', which brings together educators, sociologists, psychologists, economists, biologists, physicians and digital technology specialists, helps to solve some of these tasks. Working together, they have managed to create a navigation system to improve human achievements for the benefit of the whole of society.

Peacocks, Pepper, and Petrol: The Early History of Imports from Asia
Petroleum for equine care, wood oil for lighting, sandalwood for Easter celebrations, and lemons and olives for entertaining unexpected guests. Russian monasteries often used these and other eastern goods in the period leading up to and during the reign of Peter the Great. Analysing their account books leads to a revision of the traditional assumptions about the primary consumers of oriental goods in Russia. These consumers, in addition to the royal and aristocratic circles, included monastery estates, as discussed in the paper ‘“Three altyns worth of petroleum…”: Oriental goods in Russia at the second half of the 17th and early 18th century’ by historian Arthur Mustafin of HSE University. Based on his paper, IQ.HSE explores the types of goods that were shipped from the East to Russia in the latter half of the 17th to the early 18th century, including the routes and purposes of these shipments.