How to Make the Most of a Double-Degree Programme
Ekaterina Zhizhina, student of the Master's programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia', shared her impressions of Ca' Foscari University (Italy) and the specifics of studying on a double-degree programme.
Applications Now Open for Winter HSE Startup Cup 2022
The HSE University Business Incubator has started accepting applications for the HSE Startup Cup. The competition, which is being held for the fourth time, has become a large-scale event for the best student startups from all of the university’s campuses. Participants of the competition have the opportunity to launch a startup and receive financing for their projects.

Acceptance of Vaccination Associated with Lower Social Media Use and Higher Trust in Government
Vaccination is generally considered an essential tool for curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. Although Russia was one of the first countries to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 and launched an immunisation campaign in 2021, its vaccination rates remained low for a long time. By October 2021, only 36% of Russian adults were vaccinated, many of whom were compelled by their employers to do so. Having examined the factors contributing to low trust in vaccination among Russians, HSE economists suggest measures to improve vaccination uptake. The paper is published in Vaccine.

The Main Indicator of Education Quality Is the Level of Research
At the beginning of this academic year, Dr Manoj Sharma became Vice President of HSE University-St Petersburg and has started to supervise the international activities of the campus, from the academic mobility programmes to partnerships with world universities. HSE News Service spoke to him about language barriers, key tasks, and Russian peculiarities.

Registration Now Open for HSE University Competition for Faculty Positions 2023
This year’s HSE University Competition for Faculty Positions has now begun at the university’s campuses in Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm. Applicants to the competition must select their preferred career trajectory (Academic, Teaching and Methodological, or Professional) and provide supporting information in the competition form.

Results of the Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics
This year, three economists received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig. For participants of the prediction contest, the jury's choice turned out to be quite unexpected—only six people guessed one of the three Nobel laureates.

‘Love and Devotion to the Motherland Are Fundamental Values in Islam’
The School of Asian Studies of HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs hosted a lecture by Mohammed Abdul Sattar al-Sayyed, Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) of Syria, and holder of a PhD in Islamic Studies. He told HSE students and experts about state-confessional relations in the republic.

‘We Have Utilised the Strengths of Two Events’
On October 14, HSE University will host the 11th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference. This year’s event is the result of the joint organisational efforts of the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE ICEF) and the Centre for Institutional Studies (CinSt). Vladimir Sokolov and Maria Semenova, members of the conference's organising committee, spoke to the HSE News Service about the programme and participants of the event.

The Informal Economy and Post-Soviet Transition
The informal economy is a global phenomenon found in both developed and developing countries. There remains no consensus among academics about how the informal sector impacts overall economic growth. Elena Kalmychkova and Alexander Lipanov of Lomonosov Moscow State University and HSE University examined the informal economic sectors of former Soviet republics and found that regardless of any potential negative impact, these informal economies eventually helped people adapt to a post-transition free market environment.

HSE Academic Council Sums Up the Results of Admission Campaign
For the first time, HSE University has moved up to second place based on the average score of applicants enroled on state-funded bachelor's programmes. The implementation of the concept of ‘four campuses — one university’ has led to an increase in the number of applicants and the quality of admissions at the regional campuses. As well as this, enrolment on online programmes has increased by more than 50%. Despite a slight reduction in the number of international applicants due to external factors, the university has maintained its rigorous selection policy for prospective students. Among foreign countries, China has the largest number of students applying for HSE’s master’s programmes.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025