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Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room M405
SPIN-RSCI: 7474-3015
ORCID: 0000-0002-3119-1087
ResearcherID: AAR-7559-2020
Google Scholar
D. Maltseva
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Aryuna Kim

  • Aryuna Kim has been at HSE University since 2019.


  • Conduct scientific research in separate sections (stages, tasks);
  • Collect, process, analyze and summarize scientific information;
  • Creates reports (sections of the report) on a topic or its section (stage, task);
  • Perform other orders and instructions of the employer.


  • 2019

    Master's in Sociology
    HSE University

  • 2016

    Bachelor's in Sociology
    Novosibirsk State University

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

  • 2022, "Basics of Writing an Empirical Research Article in English", HSE, Moscow (April 13 - May 23)
  • 2021, "Python for Researchers", HSE, Moscow (January 18 - April 19)
  • 2019, "Introduction to Academic Writing", HSE, Moscow (November 11 - December 16)
  • 2019, St. Petersburg Summer School on Network Analysis, St. Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg, Russia (July 8-13)
  • 2018, Winner of a series of master classes "The whole truth about research", Kantar TNS Russia, Moscow, Russia (February-may)
  • 2017, STS Summer School "Anthropology of science and modern forms of life", Tomsk State University & Research Station Kaibasovo, Tomsk & Kaibasovo, Russia (June 30 - July 7)
  • 2016, Second workshop "Networks and social interaction", NES, Moscow (November 15 - November 19)

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2022-2023)



  • 2022
    XXIII Ясинская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Теоретико-методологические основания качественного сетевого анализа
  • XXIII Ясинская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Development of qualitative social network analysis: bibliometric network analysis
  • 2021
    XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Qualitative network analysis: opportunities and justification
  • Networks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference (Блумингтон). Presentation: The practice of applying qualitative network analysis in empirical research: systematic literature review
  • 5th European Conference on Social Network EUSN 2021 (Неаполь). Presentation: Qualitative social network analysis in the strategy of mixing methods in the social sciences: systematic literature review
  • 5th European Conference on Social Network EUSN 2021 (Неаполь). Presentation: Qualitative social network analysis in the strategy of mixing methods in the social sciences: systematic literature review
  • 2020
    XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Professional online community of Russian sociologists: internal structure and thematic agenda
  • Networks in Global World: Structures in Contexts. Understanding Relations in European Societies and beyond. (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: How do ego networks shape perceptions of ethnic identity?
  • XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: The structure of the professional online community: the case of Russian sociologists
  • 2019
    Судьбы российской интеллигенции: прошлое, настоящее, будущее (Москва). Presentation: Динамика структуры социальных взаимодействий в онлайн-среде: пример профессиональной онлайн-группы социологов 
  • INAS (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Dynamics of the structure of social interaction in the professional online community of sociologists
  • Новосибирские научные чтения памяти академика Т.И. Заславской (Новосибирск). Presentation: Социологическое онлайн-сообщество: тематические блоки и структура социальных взаимодействий
  • Молодежь в XXI веке: множественность и различие (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: "Цифровые аборигены" в восприятии феномена онлайн: повседневность и постсовременность
  • Молодежь в XXI веке: множественность и различие (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: "Цифровые аборигены" в восприятии феномена онлайн: повседневность и постсовременность
  • Молодежь в XXI веке: множественность и различие (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Этничность и мобильность: опыт и перспективы бурятской молодежи
  • 2018
    internet beyond disciplines (Москва). Presentation: Значения феномена «онлайн» для «цифровых аборигенов» и «цифровых мигрантов»: повседневность и постсовременность
  • 2017
    Новые подходы и методы в социологии: современные исследовательские практики (Москва). Presentation: Значения феномена «онлайн» для «цифровых аборигенов» и «цифровых мигрантов»: повседневность и постсовременность
  • Новые подходы и методы в социологии: современные исследовательские практики (Москва). Presentation: Типизация содержательных наполнений этнической идентичности (на примере студенческой бурятской молодежи)
  • 2016
    К альянсу социальных наук (Москва). Presentation: Национальная идентичность современной бурятской молодежи
  • Антропология. Фольклористика. Социолингвистика. (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Национальная идентичность современной бурятской молодежи


Participation in the research grant "Internet communications in the ideas and practices of "digital aborigines" and "digital immigrants": lines of generational difference", implemented by staff and students of the Department of Sociology of the NSU Faculty of Economics, 2016-2017.

Participation in the research grant RSF "Collaboration patterns in the Russian sociological community: the structure of scientific schools and their growth potential", implemented by staff of International laboratory for Applied Network Research, 2021-2023.

Employment history

  • April 2019 HSE ANR Lab
  • January 2020 - June2020 WCIOM
  • September 2018 - April 2019 Kantar TNS

ANR-Lab at Sunbelt 2024 – the premier network analysis conference in the world

ANR-Lab team gave presentations on the laboratory's ongoing research at the Sunbelt conference's online panel.

ANR-Lab Anniversary: a series of celebratory scientific events was held

The International Laboratory for Applied Network Research celebrated its 10th anniversary. In honor of this, a number of events were organized.

The Bib-eLib program for collecting and processing data in Russian from the eLibrary is registered as RIA

Team of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research registered the Bib-eLib Program for collecting and processing bibliographic data in Russian from the eLibrary electronic library as a result of intellectual activity (RIA).

The RSF project 'Patterns of Collaboration in the Russian Sociological Community' has been completed

Experts from the Russian Science Foundation recognized the project 'Collaboration Patterns in the Russian Sociological Community: The Structure of Scientific Schools and Possible Points of Growth' as successfully completed.

‘This Summer School Made Me Realise How Important Data Analytics Actually Is Nowadays’

From July 4–8, the 14th Summer School ‘Methods and Tools for Analysing Social Networks’ was held by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR Lab). The dissemination of knowledge about the most recent methods of network analysis is one of the goals of the laboratory. Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary field that studies networks of interactions between different objects (such as people, organisations, institutions, countries, words in texts, texts on the internet) and identifying hidden patterns within them.

How the 14th ANR-Lab Summer School 'Methods and Tools for Analyzing Social Networks' went

On July 8, the Summer School 'Methods and Tools for Analyzing Social Networks' ended. We present you a brief overview of the events that the ANR-Lab team held as part of the 14th Summer School.

ANR-Lab Roundtable at the Yasin conference

On April 11, within the framework of the XXIV Yasin (April) international scientific conference on the problems of the development of the economy and society, a Roundtable ANR-Lab 'Theory and application of network analysis' was held. Laboratory staff and external speakers made presentations.

ANR-Lab employees Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva published an article in the Q1 journal

In March, Quality & Quantity journal published an article by Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva ‘Qualitative social network analysis: studying the field through the bibliographic approach’.

Three ANR-Lab members were enrolled in the HSE High Potential Groups

Congratulations to Aryuna Kim and Tamara Shcheglova on being admitted to the Young Faculty Support Programme in the “New Researchers” category, and Alexander Zabolotsky to the Professional Development Programme for Administrative Staff.

ANR-Lab’s minor “Applied and network analytics”

Since September 2022, ANR-Lab continues to train 3rd year students at the “Applied and Network Analytics” minor.

ANR-Lab members at Sunbelt 2022

On July 12-16, the XLII Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt took place. Laboratory members made presentations at the conference. 

ANR-Lab at the NetGlow 2022

On June 22-24, the conference “Networks in the Global World: Structures in Time. Relational Dynamics in European Societies and Beyond” was held. Laboratory staff presented their reports within the framework of thematic sessions. 

On April 7-8, within the framework of the Yasin (April) Conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held 

On April 5-22, 2022, the XXII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE takes place. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis. 

Aryuna Kim has enrolled in the Group of Young Academic Professionals

Congratulations to ANR-Lab research assistant Aryuna Kim on being accepted into the Young Faculty Support Program (Group of Young Academic Professionals) to the "New Researchers" category.

Laboratory staff took part in the 5th European conference on social networks EUSN 2021

The conference was held online on September 6-10 and brought together sociologists, statisticians, computer and science specialists, economists, humanitarians, and scientists from all fields related to network science. The conference presented current results and the latest methodological developments in the field of social network analysis.

ANR-Lab employees took part in the Networks2021 conference

On July 5-10, Networks2021 was held – joint conference of Sunbelt and NetSci, the main international conferences on network analysis and network science. Nine laboratory members made oral and poster presentations at the conference and took part in workshops within the conference framework.

On April 15-16, within the framework of the April conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held

On April 13-23, 2021, the XXII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE was held. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis.

We are at the International Conference NetGlow'2020

The conference 'Networks in the Global World' was held online on July 7-9, 2020. ANR-Lab members and MANSA graduates participated in the conferece sessions. ANR-Lab held its own session on scientific networks.

Five ANR-Lab Research Assistants enrolled in HSE Doctoral School of Sociology

Five members of the ANR-Lab have just successfully passed the entrance exams and are accepted for the PhD programme in Sociology at HSE. Each of them has its own story and its own path, but one thing unites them - they all came to their cherished goal. Congratulations to our colleagues!

ANR Lab at the Zaslavskaya Conference in Novosibirsk

The Second Conference "Novosibirsk Scientific Readings in Memory of Academician T.I. Zaslavskaya" took place on October 10-12, 2019. Aruna Radnaeva, Labaratory's research assistant, made report at the conference and conducted masterclasses for the students of Novosibisk State University.

ANR-Lab at the Third St. Petersburg Summer School on Network Analysis

Some of the Lab's members took part in the Third St. Petersburg Summer School on Network Analysis, which was held on July 8-13, 2019.