‘We’ve Suggested Some New Hypotheses on Medieval History’
This year two volumes of the new six-volume academic publication ‘World History’ have come out. Pavel Uvarov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the HSE Department of Social History and chief editor of the second volume, which is dedicated to the history of Western and Eastern peoples in the Middle Ages, spoke to us about the book.
Sociological Theories: a View on the Economy
From October 25th – 28th an international academic conference ‘Embeddedness and beyond: Do sociological theories meet economic realities?’ took place at the HSE. Here are some video interviews with conference participants.
The Economy of Runet – Russia’s Technology Scene
On October 10th, 2012, a new research into ‘The Economy of Runet 2011-2012’ was presented at the Ria Novosti press centre in Moscow. Together with experts from different institutions, staff of the HSE participated in developing the methodology and implementation of the project. The research provides an in-depth report into the state of the of the internet economy, the dynamics of its development, structure and areas of growth and the obstacles it is facing.
What Country is the Best for Professors?
On October 23rd 2012, the latest in a series of regular seminars ‘Topical research and development in education’ took place at the HSE Institute for Educational Studies. Martin Finkelstein, Professor at Seton Hall University (USA), spoke on ‘How the national context influences professors’ academic achievements and careers: a comparative analysis’.
Crisis Has a Big Cleaning Impact, but This Cleaning Hasn’t Happened
Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the HSE, spoke about the new wave of the crisis, Russia’s readiness for it, and the system of public pharisaism among the powerful.
Uncertainty in the Global Economy
On October 9th, a seminar on the state of the global and monetary economy took place at the Higher School of Economics. Evgeniy Yasin shared his thoughts on this topic.
Author of the Shanghai Ranking visits the HSE
On October 18th 2011, as part of the preliminary programme of the 3rd International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers, Professor Nian Cai Liu, author of the world-renowned Shanghai University Ranking, gave a lecture at the HSE.
Marx Was Right, but Not Completely
On October 10th, 2012, Professor Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, spoke at the Open Seminar meeting at the HSE Saint Petersburg Faculty of Sociology. In his lecture he spoke about why Karl Marx’s forecasts will never come true and how culture alters the modernization process.
HSE’s Ranking in SSRN: September 2012
The Social Science Research Network has published its university rankings for September, 2012.
Just What Yasin Prescribed
Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE, in an interview with “Itogi” spoke about the years of transition in the Russian economy and his own role in the transformations that took place.