Faculty of Social Sciences Launches New Joint Seminar Series with New York University
In November 2021, HSE University’s School of Politics and Governance and the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University) started a new partnership project that involves regular joint online seminars. Denis Stukal, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Deputy Director of the Institute for Applied Political Studies, has commented on the initiative.
Interest in Sociology through Interest in Russia and Eastern Europe
The new term’s cycle of methodology seminars SotsUp at the HSE Centre for Youth Studies in St Petersburg began with a talk by Dr Charlie Walker of Southampton University on the social mobility of young working class women in the service industries.
What will Capitalism in the 21st Century be Like?
On September 24th 2011, Craig Calhoun, new Director of the London School of Economics, gave an open lecture at the HSE International College of Economics and Finance on ‘Social and Political Challenges Facing Global Capitalism’.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025